Saturday, September 17, 2011

The sum of all our fears

American Aristocracy

Show us your boobies

Sad Saddam

Saddam is everywhere

Pick the Terrorist Action

New York City 2001
Perp right there in the smoke

Baghdad 2003
Perp miles away from actual scene

"The only connection between the events of 9/11/01 and the events of 3/21/03 is George W. Bush."
- Xarvon, alien investigator -

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Pick the terrorist

Blondes against war

This explains it all.

Stop the presses!


Putin on the Ritz

Suggested use of duct tape

Dubya makes the grade

Bush's 2 cents worth

Radical San Francisco hippies vandalizing public property

Dueling nincompoops

What beats global warming?

Our allies and I agree

Psychedelic Republican Trading Card


Good dogs

A little bit country, a little bit New World Order

The New Afghani Currency

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Canyon of Heroes

Good idea

Dubya's daisy chain

Attention Gap shoppers

Airport security

Mr. President Head

Reasons for going to war

Saddam's coming to get you

Recruitment poster

J.C. Penny's military action figures made entirely out of petroleum byproducts

Spoiled children of privilege

Missing P

Save the smallpox

This war on Saddam is gonna RULE!

The spirit of friendship

Women stripping for peace